Services and businesses directory
Directory of services, businesses, associations and organisations for Chevery (G0G 1G0).
Centre de Santé CLSC
16 chemin Netagamiou
Centre de Services Desjardins
17 chemin Netagamiou
Sunset Motel
23 chemin Netagamiou
Green Repair
51 chemin Netagamiou
École Netagamiou
61 chemin Netagamiou
The local library is situated inside École Netagamiou.
Comité local Municipal
64 chemin Netagamiou
Services Préhospitaliers/Siège social
64 chemin Netagamiou
Dépanneur Bellecourt
101 chemin Netagamiou
Poste Canada
29 chemin d’Aylmer Sound
MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent/siège social
29 chemin d’Aylmer Sound
La Route Blanche
La Route Blanche is a snowmobile trail that facilitates travel for the residents of the Basse-Côte-Nord during the winter period. It is the only continuous land link between Natashquan and Blanc-Sablon.
Relais Nordik
Managed by Desgagnés Group, the Relais Nordik is the maritime service that ensures the transport of passenger and goods on the Basse-Côte-Nord.
A ferry service makes the connection to Harrington Harbour.
During the freezing (fall) and thawing (spring) periods, and as well as for the winter period, an air service is offered by Héli-Express, which provides a connection to Harrington Harbour.
Environment Canada
Click on the button below to view current weather conditions and forecasts for Chevery.
Click the button below to view a wind map and weather forecast for Chevery.
Public warning service
Use the buttons below to sign up to the alert system.
Citizen life
Fire prevention
Burning Permission
For burning permissions, call 418 787-2246.
Fire danger
Annual water quality assessment
For the period of January 1st to December 31, 2023
Residual materials
Pick up days for each community will be on Mondays.
To find out what goes in the recycling bin:
By-laws and policies
Visit the By-laws and Policies page to learn more: